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Check out Green Grounds Landscaping's BlogProfessional Minnesota Landscape Maintenance vs. DIY: 5 Key Considerations
There are certainly a few key reasons you might want to hire a Minnesota landscape maintenance professional for the job. Let’s take a look at the most important ones.
4 Basic Types of Retaining Walls Minnesota and Their Uses
As a leading landscaper here in Minnesota, Green Grounds Landscaping installs retaining walls Minnesota for a variety of purposes.
Hardscape Minneapolis: 4 Reasons Why Winter is a Great Time For a Hardscape Project
Your Hardscape Minneapolis Project: Why Investing in Hardscape Minneapolis Projects in Winter is a Good Idea
Spring Yard Cleanup Checklist
Spring can be unpredictable but there’s always one thing that you can anticipate – spring yard cleanup, of course!
Pre-Emergent Weed Control: 5 Things You Need to Know About
From what it does to how long it lasts, what you should know about pre-emergent weed control as a smart homeowner. Learn it all in this article
Minnesota Garden Pruning: 5 Tips That Will Have You Pruning Like a Pro This Season!
What is Minnesota garden pruning? Let's start with the actual pruning definition. Pruning is the process of trimming trees, shrubs, or bushes by cutting away dead or overgrown branches or stems. This is done to both control and increase the fullness or growth of the...
Minnesota Landscaping Project For Spring: What You Need To Know
With a few improvements, you can tend to the imperfections plaguing your yard and help it start looking its best. Here are some considerations for your Minnesota landscaping project.
The Benefits of Tree Trimming and Pruning
Benefits of Tree Trimming and Pruning in Minnesota Here in Minnesota the weather changes on a daily basis. Sometimes it’s cold and blistery and the next day it will be in the 70’s and sunny. The weather can affect many things and one of those are the trees on your...
How To Know If A Tree Is Dead And Needs To Be Removed
How To Know If A Tree Is Dead And Needs To Be Removed: There are many reasons that you should remove a dead tree in Minnesota which we will touch on in this post.