Most Minnesota property owners will do whatever it takes to have a lush, green lawn. They may not be interested in the supporting cast, the trees, shrubs, and flowers that most people love. Yet, they are emphatic about having a lush, green, well-manicured lawn that...
Landscape Maintenance Practices There isn’t a homeowner on the planet who wants landscaping that requires excessive care, but a few will accept it if it is necessary to get what they want. It turns out that even the most extravagant landscapes can be tamed. If you...
Mowing your lawn correctly, at the right time should leave your turf thick and healthy. A healthy turf grows well enough to crowd out weeds, limiting the need for additional weed control measure. Conversely, incorrectly mowing your lawn can leave it susceptible to...
How To Choose The Best Minnesota Landscaper Anybody can call themselves a Minnesota landscaper, but not all landscapers perform equally. Since there is no governing body that limits entry into the world of professional landscaping, it’s important to understand the...
Are you interested in maintaining an eco friendly lawn? Taking the earth into account when managing your lawn or hiring a lawn care company in Minnesota is important, read on to learn why. At Green Grounds Landscaping in Minnesota, we believe in environmentally...